Union wasapi::Windows::Win32::Storage::StructuredStorage::PROPVARIANT_0_0_0[][src]

pub union PROPVARIANT_0_0_0 {
Show fields pub cVal: CHAR, pub bVal: u8, pub iVal: i16, pub uiVal: u16, pub lVal: i32, pub ulVal: u32, pub intVal: i32, pub uintVal: u32, pub hVal: i64, pub uhVal: u64, pub fltVal: f32, pub dblVal: f64, pub boolVal: i16, pub __OBSOLETE__VARIANT_BOOL: i16, pub scode: i32, pub cyVal: CY, pub date: f64, pub filetime: FILETIME, pub puuid: *mut Guid, pub pclipdata: *mut CLIPDATA, pub bstrVal: BSTR_abi, pub bstrblobVal: BSTRBLOB, pub blob: BLOB, pub pszVal: PSTR, pub pwszVal: PWSTR, pub punkVal: RawPtr, pub pdispVal: RawPtr, pub pStream: RawPtr, pub pStorage: RawPtr, pub pVersionedStream: *mut VERSIONEDSTREAM_abi, pub parray: *mut SAFEARRAY, pub cac: CAC, pub caub: CAUB, pub cai: CAI, pub caui: CAUI, pub cal: CAL, pub caul: CAUL, pub cah: CAH, pub cauh: CAUH, pub caflt: CAFLT, pub cadbl: CADBL, pub cabool: CABOOL, pub cascode: CASCODE, pub cacy: CACY, pub cadate: CADATE, pub cafiletime: CAFILETIME, pub cauuid: CACLSID, pub caclipdata: CACLIPDATA, pub cabstr: CABSTR, pub cabstrblob: CABSTRBLOB, pub calpstr: CALPSTR, pub calpwstr: CALPWSTR, pub capropvar: CAPROPVARIANT, pub pcVal: PSTR, pub pbVal: *mut u8, pub piVal: *mut i16, pub puiVal: *mut u16, pub plVal: *mut i32, pub pulVal: *mut u32, pub pintVal: *mut i32, pub puintVal: *mut u32, pub pfltVal: *mut f32, pub pdblVal: *mut f64, pub pboolVal: *mut i16, pub pdecVal: *mut DECIMAL, pub pscode: *mut i32, pub pcyVal: *mut CY, pub pdate: *mut f64, pub pbstrVal: *mut BSTR_abi, pub ppunkVal: *mut RawPtr, pub ppdispVal: *mut RawPtr, pub pparray: *mut *mut SAFEARRAY, pub pvarVal: *mut PROPVARIANT_abi,


cVal: CHARbVal: u8iVal: i16uiVal: u16lVal: i32ulVal: u32intVal: i32uintVal: u32hVal: i64uhVal: u64fltVal: f32dblVal: f64boolVal: i16__OBSOLETE__VARIANT_BOOL: i16scode: i32cyVal: CYdate: f64filetime: FILETIMEpuuid: *mut Guidpclipdata: *mut CLIPDATAbstrVal: BSTR_abibstrblobVal: BSTRBLOBblob: BLOBpszVal: PSTRpwszVal: PWSTRpunkVal: RawPtrpdispVal: RawPtrpStream: RawPtrpStorage: RawPtrpVersionedStream: *mut VERSIONEDSTREAM_abiparray: *mut SAFEARRAYcac: CACcaub: CAUBcai: CAIcaui: CAUIcal: CALcaul: CAULcah: CAHcauh: CAUHcaflt: CAFLTcadbl: CADBLcabool: CABOOLcascode: CASCODEcacy: CACYcadate: CADATEcafiletime: CAFILETIMEcauuid: CACLSIDcaclipdata: CACLIPDATAcabstr: CABSTRcabstrblob: CABSTRBLOBcalpstr: CALPSTRcalpwstr: CALPWSTRcapropvar: CAPROPVARIANTpcVal: PSTRpbVal: *mut u8piVal: *mut i16puiVal: *mut u16plVal: *mut i32pulVal: *mut u32pintVal: *mut i32puintVal: *mut u32pfltVal: *mut f32pdblVal: *mut f64pboolVal: *mut i16pdecVal: *mut DECIMALpscode: *mut i32pcyVal: *mut CYpdate: *mut f64pbstrVal: *mut BSTR_abippunkVal: *mut RawPtrppdispVal: *mut RawPtrpparray: *mut *mut SAFEARRAYpvarVal: *mut PROPVARIANT_abi

Trait Implementations

The abi representation of the implementing type. Read more

Casts the Rust object to its ABI type without copying the object.

Returns a pointer for setting the object’s value via an ABI call.

Casts the ABI representation to a Rust object by taking ownership of the bits.

Auto Trait Implementations

Blanket Implementations

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

Performs the conversion.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

Performs the conversion.