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Installation instructions

As the name suggests, pyCamillaDSP is a Python library. It is installed using the pip package manager.


pyCamillaDSP only requires the websocket-client library. The package is named slightly differently in different distributions:

Distribution Package name
Fedora python3-websocket-client
Debian/Raspbian python3-websocket
Arch python-websocket-client (pip) websocket_client
conda websocket_client

About Python environments

In all cases it is recommended to create an isolated Python environment. This ensures that the installation of the CamillaDSP libraries does not interfere with the environment managed by the system package manager. This is mainly an issue on Linux, where the default Python environment is managed by the system package manager (for example apt on Debian and dnf on Fedora). Letting pip install packages into this environment is not recommended and may corrupt the system. Recent versions of pip will refuse to do this unless started with the flag --break-system-packages.

There are several tools to set up Python environments. For the sake of simplicity, this readme only deals with conda and venv.


The conda package manager is used in the popular Anaconda Python distribution. It's possible to use the full Anaconda package, but it includes much more than needed. Instead it's recommended to use the Miniconda package.

Download Miniconda from

Alternatively use Miniforge from

Conda creates a default base environment, but don't install any packages there. It's better to create a specific environment.

To do that open a terminal and type:

conda create --name camilladsp

Before an environment can be used, either for install packages into it, or for running some application, it must be activated.

The command for that is:

> conda activate camilladsp

Now install the websocket-client library:

> conda install websocket_client

Finally install pyCamillaDSP with pip, see Installing).


The standard Python library includes the venv tool that is used to create virtual Python environments. This allows installing packages using pip separately, and prevents any issues from conflicts with the system package manager. By default, all packages installed in the system environment are also available in the virtual environment. See for more details.

Create a new venv, located in camilladsp/.venv in the user home directory:

> python -m venv ~/camilladsp/.venv

Activate the new environment:

  • Linux & MacOS ```console

    source ~/camilladsp/.venv/bin/activate ```

  • Windows

cmd.exe: ```console

%USERPROFILE%\camilladsp.venv\Scripts\activate.bat ```

PowerShell: ```console

$env:userprofile\camilladsp.venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 ```

Finally install pyCamillaDSP with pip, see Installing).

Once the environment is ready, it's possible to use it without first activating. This is done by simply using the python interpreter of the environment:

> ~/camilladsp/.venv/bin/python

Recommendations for different operating systems

The way to set up a Python environment and install pyCamillaDSP depends on what operating system is used. Linux normally comes with Python preinstalled, while Windows does not. MacOS is somewhere in between in that it comes with a limited Python installation.


Most linux distributions have the required Python 3.6 or newer installed by default. Use the normal package manager to install python if required, and then create a virtual environment for pyCamillaDSP.

It is also possible to use Conda.


Use Anaconda, miniconda, or miniforge. See Conda.


On macOS use either conda, or Homebrew optionally with a virtual environment.

For Homebrew, install Python with brew install python, after which you can install the needed packages with pip, pip3 install websocket_client.


Once a suitable environment has been set up, use pip to install pyCamillaDSP.

The pip package manager is normally installed by default together with Python. The command is usually pip, but on some systems it's instead pip3.

Directly from Github

The easiest way to install is to let pip fetch the files directly from Github.

The command for that is:

pip install git+

This installs the current version in the default branch master.

To install from another branch, or a tagged version, add @ and the branch or tag name at the end.

To install the version tagged with v2.0.0, the command is:

pip install git+

Install from downloaded files

Download the library, either by git clone or by downloading a zip file of the code. Then unpack the files, go to the folder containing the file and run:

pip install .